Creating a Miracle

Being a pregnant Personal Trainer

Renée Du Preez Divider

Renée’s Blog   •   October 29, 2018

I’ve made it! I’m in the final few weeks of my pregnancy, and all I can say is WHAT an adventure! Everyone has a different pregnancy experience, because we are all sculpted in a unique way, and running different lifestyles. There is no right or wrong way to “feel” about your pregnancy. Some may have the best time during their pregnancy, and some might experience it as the most uncomfortable 9 months of their lives. Some might love it, some might hate it. In the end, we get awarded with the most amazing prize on earth – YOU created a MIRACLE!

To be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the whole process. And that’s ok! My personality type just makes it a bit harder to accept that I am not in control of my body anymore, and I have to cut back on so many things in my life, because I have an active lifestyle and job, pregnancy comes with so much limitations. But, my excitement for my little boy to come, overshadows all of the discomfort and limitations I’ve been experiencing during pregnancy, and I would do it all over again!

I’m going to be raw and real, so bear with me.

I’m going to break down the three trimesters and tell you all about MY experience, and share some tips on how to make this journey as comfortable and healthy as possible.

Disclaimer: This is my experience, and not everyone will experience it this way. If you have any questions or concerns about your pregnancy and training after reading my journey, contact your doctor and discuss it directly with them.

  • Trimester ONE – Finding out I’m pregnant, my thoughts and emotions, my game plan
  • Trimester TWO – Picking up speed again, thoughts, CROSSFIT

Trimester ONE: Finding out I’m pregnant, my thoughts and emotions, my game plan

As a full-time Personal Trainer, I work very long hours, 5 days a week. I see my first client at 5am, and finish with my last client at 8pm. 15hour working day? I sound like a super hero, right? Wrong – I do take breaks during the day for my own training, rest, and admin. My work day consists of 10 – 12 hours on my feet. And I was built for this. I know exactly how much sleep I need, what food I need, and what mindset I need to give 110% everyday and keep up with this very active lifestyle. I am completely in control, I got this.

Suddenly, I’m not so much in control. My body feels super weak, I can’t push through my workouts, I’m sleepy, and not hungry at all. Fatigue hits me HARD. SUPER strange…

THOUGHTS: Am I dying?? I must be dying. How can this be? Nothing has changed? I know, it’s because I’m old. MUST be because I’m turning 30 next year. Wait…maybe I’m…Pregnant!

One evening I went home, told my husband about it, and took THE TEST. Very excited we both waited to see the results. And there it was – I’m PREGNANT!!

THOUGHTS: YES!! This is INCREDILBLE! My heart wants to explode! I can’t wait to tell my family and everyone at work! Work? Work… Oh sh*t…
And so, my first trimester begins. The hours on my feet at work is getting way too long, and training is becoming harder each day. So, I’m cutting back on my running and rather focussing on resistance training and walking. Not a big deal, according to my doctor I should start feeling better as soon as I enter the second trimester. I hope so! I need a strong and energetic body for my job! The weeks pass by and I just feel like crap! But I’m keeping my head high, because besides my pregnancy induced fatigue, I still have no back pain, no heart burn, zero nausea, and no migraines or aching feet, and still sleeping like a baby. So, I’m actually doing pretty OK so far… All I want is orange juice. All the orange juice.

GAME PLAN: Cut back on training if I need to, take rest if I need it, stop all plyometric exercises, nourish my body with healthy fresh foods and clean water, and try not to think about my pregnancy too much. Overthinking is the devil!

Trimester TWO – Picking up speed again, thoughts, CROSSFIT

Now I’m starting to feel more like myself again. My energy levels are back to where they used to be, long hours at work is a breeze, and I’m craving more “normal” food again, and I’m back at the Crossfit box.

Disclaimer – I’ve been doing Crossfit for 7 years, my body is completely used to it, and I’m also well educated in all the movements. So, for me it was safe to continue with my sport. I had highly educated coaches keeping an eye on me, and I lowered the weights to about 60% of my max. I also took out all exercises that wasn’t safe for me to do, and replaced them with low impact pregnancy safe exercises. I would NOT recommend this sport for any expectant mommies whose bodies are not used to Crossfit, at an athlete level.

Crossfit is going great, keeping up with work is easy, and I don’t feel pregnant at all. I feel bloated and can feel my body growing, but still zero pregnancy symptoms, besides weight gain and bump starting to grow.

THOUGHTS: Pregnancy is a breeze!

GAME PLAN: Same as Trimester one, but picking up the pace with work and training.


Now, out of nowhere, Baby du Preez is just growing and growing and growing! Bump is getting so big, if I move too fast I fall over. My balance is useless, suddenly I don’t have any clothes that fit, I couldn’t be bothered to exercise, and I can’t eat my normal portion sizes anymore. My tummy is all squished up into my diaphragm, there’s not even enough space for a glass of water. This caused the most severe heartburn ever! Also – I. Can’t. BREATHE! And the latest symptom I have been experiencing is my aching feet! I’m swelling up everyday because of pregnancy water retention (Edema) and the summer heat. My feet are up TWO shoe sizes, and I can’t stand or sit for more than a few minutes. I guess now is the time to take things slower, put my feet up and just be pregnant for once. So, the biggest changes of this trimester, is my now very big baby bump, shortness of breath and heart burn, and my aching feet.

THOUGHTS: How will I make it through three more months? Crossfit? – nah. Pants? – nah. Shoes? – none of them fit. Serious issues in life that needs my attention – couldn’t be bothered. Shoe laces that come undone – dead to me.

BUT, during this time, the worse you feel, the more people will come up to you saying how “absolutely stunning” you look. I suppose that’s what saves me every time. Knowing that even though I feel VERY very pregnant and uncomfortable, people seem to notice only the beauty of my adventure. And with that said, the biggest reward of the third trimester, is feeling that little body dancing inside of you. His little kicks, punches and stretches takes away all the aches and pains, and you just love him more and more each day. He makes me realise, it’s really not that bad, and I’ll do this all over again if it means that I can create another miracle just like him.

With regard to my changing body, I had zero back and pelvis pain during my whole pregnancy, because I have a strong core, bum and hamstrings. I’ve put in the work before pregnancy, so I could just maintain my strength throughout this journey. Being fit and strong really saved me. I would definitely recommend strengthening your body before falling pregnant, and then maintaining your strength as your bump grows. If you haven’t been doing any exercise before falling pregnant, talk to your doctor about pregnancy safe pilates, yoga or stretching classes that you can attend. It will make your journey so much easier and healthier.

Now, with only a few weeks left before my little baby boy enters the world, I’m slowly but surely getting used to feeling pregnant. I’m accepting my rapidly changing body, and I’m taking life a little bit slower, ensuring the final ride for my prince is as safe and relaxed as possible.